Our Services

A range of financing solutions that navigate
a path to growth

NEC Financial Services Offerings

Optimal Flexibility

Resolving legacy equipment and system limitations depends on ready access to financing options that make the most sense. Arriving at the best decision possible means partnering with the right financial services company; one that can deliver tailored financing and leasing that best fits enterprise requirements and budgetary mandates.

Whether looking to expand, refresh or replace your technology, infrastructure other mission critical equipment, we are your strategic partner to deliver the products and services designed to enhance your business performance.

Our Services Portfolio

100% Technology Financing
We will help finance your complete technology environment from hardware to software and everything in between.

Purchase Options
Depending on equipment type and lease terms available purchase options can be negotiated and include $1.00 option, Flex 10 and Fair Market Value.

Payment Terms
Depending on equipment type lease terms can be as short as 12 months or as long as 6 years.

Lease Upgrades & Add-ons
NEC Financial Services provides cost effective upgrade and add-on alternatives to existing lease coterminous with original monthly term.

Customized Leasing
Individually tailored financing terms of each category of equipment to meet specific needs by providing separate lease schedules. In other words, one schedule might have a 5-year term, while another has a more appropriate 3-year term. Purchase options can vary by schedule.

Customized Billing
Another advantage to multiple schedules is that the billing location for each schedule can vary. This is advantageous when costs need to be allocated to separate departments, divisions or budgets. Master billing can still be provided. Take advantage of having your monthly payments automatically deducted from your checking or savings account via Authorization for Preauthorized Withdrawals (ACH Debits).

Multiple Installations
Separate schedules also enable a lease to be commenced on part of the entire purchased system or systems while the balance of equipment is still pending. Payment can begin on the schedules of received equipment without having to wait until the entire order has been shipped. This is often preferred or required by equipment suppliers.

Maintenance Financing
NEC Financial Services provides financing for long-term maintenance agreements. This allows our customers to make one payment that includes the equipment financing and the associated maintenance.

Master Lease
To offer complete flexibility in lending, NEC Financial Services can provide a Master Lease Program into which multiple schedules can be incorporated for each category or unit of equipment. The Master Lease structure enables our team to offer central or multiple location billing, multiple lease terms and purchase options which can be customized for various groups of equipment.

Step Lease
Some equipment requires time to realize its value. A step lease allows lower monthly payments for an initial period then "step-up" to the normal payment for the remainder of the lease term. This type of lease is ideal for equipment that has a longer training period or might generate a higher level of revenue at a later date. It is also beneficial for customers who expect their revenues to grow over the term of the lease. They make lower payments in the beginning and higher payments as their business grows.

Seasonal Lease
This type of lease has no payments or reduced payments for a specific period of time each year. The lease is structured to benefit those customers that have a seasonal business.

Deferred Payment Lease
This lease has no payments for a specific period of time. For example, the lease may have no payments for the first 60 or 90 days.

Balloon Lease
A balloon lease allows for a commitment to a guaranteed purchase price. This is beneficial where the value of the equipment is strong and the lessee wants to leverage that value in order to have a lower monthly payment.

Fair Market Value Lease
Get the lowest possible lease payment with an end of lease purchase option not to exceed the fair market value of the equipment. This type of lease may have significant tax advantages.

Flex 10 Purchase Option Lease
At the end of the lease, the option to purchase is fixed at 10% of the original cost allowing for lower monthly lease payments and a predictable cost of purchase at the end of the initial lease term.

Customized Financing

Equipment financing is flexible!
You can rely on our experienced financing representatives to create financing options to meet your needs.

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